About Us
School believes in holistic development of its learners. It stands by its commitment to excel in education through active involvement in the teaching-learning process, provision of nurturing intelligences, nourishing talents and opportunities to strengthen their potentials, and creation of programs to match their learning styles for academics, abilities and achievements. School is designed to meet the unique needs of every learner in the continuing transition for students. The educational environment of the school is directed towards stimulating students to reach for new experiences and understandings. We encourage students to become responsible decision-makers. Students are also encouraged to develop strategies & skills for problem solving and to apply self-discipline in everyday situations. School staff strives to provide an atmosphere where the diverse groups can share their strengths and enhance mutual understanding which is further enriched with frequent contact between parents and educators.
1. Excellent Board Result in Madlauda Area.
2. To prepare International level players for Athletics, Volleyball & Takewondo.
3. Special stress on English Speaking, to prepare the students for International Platform.
4. Special arrangement for presonality developing and interview skills for every student.
5. Modern education with indian values & strict discipline.
Special counselling given by Principal Maam to weak students.

We are happy to welcome you to N.E.P.S., a school committed to deliver interactive, and quality education.
We have developed an infrastructure that supports our ideology of providing the latest 21st century skills to the school. We have taken the necessary steps for modifying our equipment to the latest technology.
Our mission is to empower the students to become excellent human resources and to contribute meaningfully to the society and nation N.E.P.S. established in 2003; The institution has an enviable track of academic excellence. I am proud of our history, our values and high academic standards achieved by our students.
In the current scenario the most vibrant slogan of our nation is "Skill India and Making India and we are following this in our school.
I, Vedpal on the behalf of whole New Era Family thanks to choose to continue your education at N.E.P.S. Your decision to become a part of New Era Family connects you to an institutional legacy which is an essential part of our nation.
Once again I welcome you to NEPS with the hope that your learning will be meaningful and rewarding in this organisation.
Mr. Vedpal Bhardwaj

Dear Parents and students,
It is my pleasure and privilege to welcome all students, their parents and guardians to N.E.P.S.
1. This is one of the prestigious institution in Madlauda, that provides unique opportunities for the development of the young minds in a secular and conducive atmosphere.
The school maintains a tradition of inculcating human values in the minds of the pupil teachers take pains for the physical, mental and intellectual development of the students.
2. "The aim of this diary is to give information about the school rules and to establish report between the teachers and the parents with regards to the work being done by the student in the school and at home. This is the way of communication between the teachers and the parents that remains unbroken and there is concious effort to improve the quality of the work attempted by the children.
3. We would like, not only to teach but to help them to learn. This can only be done when both the teachers and the parents understands the psychology of the children better.
I hope that you will find this handbook useful. Please read it carefully, since it will help you to be aware of the functioning of the school.
Kindly use this diary for any message you wish to give to the teacher, pupil's teachers are enabled together the wisdom of the east and west. Education is an enjoyable process and not an imposed, dressry and dull syllabus creaming only. We present the best atmospheric for pupil's teacher's.
At last I want to enclose a message to remind all my childrens that "It does not matter what others are doing, it matters what you are doing".
Mrs. Sunita Kumari